GOOD is a South African political party that was formed in December 2018. We are led by our founder Patricia de Lille, She is currently the Minister of Tourism. We stand up for a country that has zero tolerance for racism, gender discrimination, corruption and poverty.

GOOD is not afraid to tackle these issues honestly, and head
on. The GOOD party is led by GOOD people, fighting to create a GOOD life for
every GOOD South African.

GOOD Manifesto 2024

GOOD’s vision is for a fairer and just South Africa, where nobody is excluded from the good that it has to offer.

Nobody is homeless. Nobody lives in poverty or hunger. Nobody feels the lingering effects of apartheid as they wake up each morning for their daily struggle.

Everyone shares in the spoils of the wonders and opportunities that this rich and beautiful land has to offer.

The GOOD Deal

The GOOD Deal is a basic income grant of R999 per month. If you don’t have a job and don’t qualify for other grants, this is what you need. To pay for your food and basic needs. To keep you going, and uphold your dignity.

South Africa is not a poor country, but millions of South Africans are still going hungry because of unemployment and inequality. All of us will benefit from a GOOD deal to beat poverty. It can be done.


GOOD fights for a more equitable South Africa based on the values and principles of social democracy – a successful model of democracy for addressing inequality and exclusion.

When South Africa became a democracy in 1994, a lot was achieved in addressing the structural inequalities embedded in our country through apartheid.

However, despite our world renowned constitution with a robust bill of rights, equality of rights is not enough to bring about a more equitable society where citizens and residents are able to use their rights.

We are proud patriots – deeply committed and connected to a future for all.

We are a movement dedicated to restoring the hope of 1994 – so that every South African can live in dignity.

We will build a patriotic South Africa that is that is innovative, competitive, equitable, sustainable, forward-thinking, and that will advance social, economic, spatial and environmental justice.

Spatial Justice

Separating our society based on skin colour resulted in unequal access to jobs, housing, land,  and transport in towns, cities and rural areas.

We commit to undoing the legacy of Apartheid spatial planning to create a more just society.

Economic Justice

The role of government is to create conditions that ensure economic growth, investment and new jobs.

We will restore stability and confidence in government and ensure corrupt politicians are prosecuted and sent to prison, not parliament.

We will build the infrastructure to ensure South Africa competes more effectively for investment.

Social Justice

We commit to ensuring equitable treatment of all people in South Africa.

Gender bias, racial discrimination and unfair privilege must end so that South Africa can achieve real democracy and a fully united and equitable society.

Social justice also means equitable access to quality education, and ensure fair and equal pay for equal work.

Environmental Justice

Climate change is real and is impacting our economy, food security and the environment. Poor and vulnerable citizens are most impacted by climate change. We will tackle climate change, uphold animal and environmental rights, help cities to implement waste reduction plans and ensure we move to cheaper, renewable energy sources.

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